What’s in a Number?

Good Morning!

There is a new addition to Andy’s family: His sister-in-law (also named Lindsay) had a baby last night! She had a little girl! I am going to see her today after work! Can’t wait!

She thought for sure she was having a boy (they didn’t want to know the sex before hand) and so I figured her intuition would be right so I was really surprised to find out it was a girl (I was secretly hoping for a girl though! I can’t wait to spoil her!)  They named her Clair.  I think that name is so cute! I’ll be sure to take some pictures of the new bundle of joy 🙂

Simple Recipes

I have two simple, simple recipes to share with you all.  First, Tuna Salad, which is one of my favorites.

This made approximately 3 servings for me:

  • 2 5oz cans of chunk light tuna in water, drained
  • 3 tablespoons light mayo (roughly measured)
  • 2-3 stalks of celery, chopped
  • 1/4 onion, chopped
  • 1 tbsp (roughly measured) dijon mustard
  • Salt
  • Pepper

Mix all together until blended.  I had this tuna salad on a wrap and today I have it with 1/2 of a chopped yellow pepper and one chopped tomato for lunch.

Tuna Salad

On the side I have some Greek Yogurt and an orange.

The next simple recipe to share is a chicken dish made in the crock pot.

I call it Tomato and Corn Chicken:

  • Raw Chicken Breasts
  • 1/2 bag frozen corn
  • 1 can no salt added diced tomatoes
  • splash of chicken stock, about 1/4 cup to cover the chicken
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Garlic Powder

Place everything in a crock pot and cook on low for 7-8 hours.  I’m using this tonight for chicken tacos! Yum!

Tomato and Corn Chicken

Super simple, right? That’s what I am all about!

What’s in a Number?

I know I’ve shared my weight on my blog because I don’t particularly care if people know.  It doesn’t define me.  It’s a number. I have also seen plenty of bloggers share their weight, which I don’t mind reading.  I’m just as curious as the next person!

However, I find it a problem when others begin to compare their own bodies to someone else.

The Comparison Game

We have NO idea what exactly someone’s particular body is made up of.  And what I mean by that is the percentage of body fat to lean mass.  This is more important than the actual number that the scale spits back at you.

The Scale...

Note: this is not my scale or weight

Take someone who has a lot of muscle mass (lean mass) and little body fat.  They may step on the scale and the number may appear higher then you would think. But it’s because they are made up of more lean mass than fat mass.  Lean mass is more dense and takes up less room.  So if someone has more lean mass than fat mass, they will weigh more on the scale.

A woman weighing 145 pounds with 18% fat will look much smaller than a woman at 145 pounds with 30% fat. They weigh the same, yet the composition is different. Because muscle is more dense than fat the person with less fat and more muscle will look smaller.

A BMI scale might actually place them in the “over weight” or “obese” category because it’s simply just comparing weight and height.  This is not an accurate picture of how healthy they are.  It’s important to know what exactly your body is made up of by getting your body fat tested

*Side note on BF% Tests: I recommend getting tested with skin calipers if you want something affordable and quick.  I wouldn’t trust the scales that tell you your BF%, many things can throw that off.  If you have access to other tests through your University, such as a DEXA scan or the Bod Pod, that’s even better and more accurate than skin calipers.

So when you see a blogger post their weight or read about a celebrity’s weight, stop playing the comparison game. We are all different and our bodies are all unique.  Our body composition is different.  Even if you see a blogger, celebrity, or have a friend who is your same height and your weight is different don’t worry about it!  One weight may be fine for someone’s body but be completely unattainable for someone else.


Have you had your body fat tested?

Respect Your Parents

I’m a bit behind in my 30-Day Challenge, so today I have two lovely topics.

But first I’ll tell you about my Valentine’s Day dinner. 

Happy Valentine's Day!

Andy had a lovely meal waiting for me when I got home (which went unpictured, as we gobbled it down!)  I work late on Mondays and don’t get home until 8pm.  Cooking is the last thing I want to do that late (unless I put something in the crock pot), so lately Andy has been cooking on those nights or we do left overs.

Last night Andy was quite the chef! He had a candle lit dinner waiting for me as I walked in the door.  The house smelled wonderful! He made breaded chicken, mixed vegetables and rice.  It was so good, I love his cooking!

Of course Valentine’s Day would not be complete without some sweets and Andy did not disappoint! He bought peanut butter ice cream, which is my favorite (And the entire half gallon is gone, I polished off the rest tonight…didn’t last long!)


He also had the kitchen all clean and tidy.  What a guy! It was a great Valentine’s Day!

A Love Bug from Andy 🙂

We don’t do huge gifts for Valentine’s Day mainly because we both don’t have a ton of money! I think little things are much more thoughtful to be honest.  And a home cooked meal and a clean house was right up my ally.  I got him some candy, almonds, and hot sauce.  We love food, what can I say!

Valentine's Day Goodies

 Now on to today’s topics in the 30-Day Challenge!

Disrespecting your Parents

The  first topic is disrespecting your parents. All I have to say is: Give your parents some RESPECT! They brought you into this world and can take you out (totally kidding but I just  had to say it!)

When I was in high school I remember thinking that my parents were trying to ‘ruin’ my life. As I got older I began to appreciate my parents and all they had done for me growing up and all that they still do for me.  They love me unconditionally and are always there to support me.  I love them so much.

If I could go back in time to talk to my snotty 15 year old self, I’d say, “Mom and Dad work so hard! Quick being a little brat!” But I can’t.  And it’s hard to tell a teenager anything, I know this all to well. At least I am at a time in my life where I do realize how much I love them and how much they mean to me and I can tell them this every time we talk.

Mom and Dad

It’s important to tell your parents, or whoever raised you, how much they mean to you and tell them “thank you” and “I love you” as often as possible.  So go on, tell your parents that you love em’ and give em’ a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T!

The Importance of Education

The next topic is my view on education. I think being educated is so important.  I am a big advocate for furthering your education in whatever area you are interested.  For me, it was going to college and on to Graduate School. 

Graduation Day

I believe having an education has given me a ton of experience (both in and out of the classroom) and allowed me to land a great job in my field.  Without my degrees, I can tell you that I would not be able to do be a Corporate Fitness Specialist.

I realize higher education is not for everyone, but it certainly helped me because I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do.  College allowed me to explore my options and find what my interests were.  I encourage everyone to expand their knowledge and find what they are passionate about.  What you find might surprise you.  I never envisioned myself working in the field of exercise and health growing up, but now I can’t imagine anything else at the moment. Through college I was able to find my niche. 


Did you always know what you wanted to do as a career? Or did it take you a while to find out? Or are you still trying to figure that out?