Hills and Flats

Blog Updates

I am currently making the switch to a self hosting blog (using Blue Host) and giving the ol’ blog a makeover, so I apologize that I have not been getting around to everyone’s blogs this past week or so. It’s quite time consuming!

This transition is completely new to me and I am doing it all on my own (I looked at some blog services out there but it’s just too expensive and this is just a hobby for me).  But it’s also kind of fun to figure out all this technical stuff!  Hopefully everything will go smoothly and I can add some more features to the blog soon! 🙂

I decided to make the switch because I want more control over what I can do on my blog, plus I just ran out of media space (total bust!) and by self hosting it’s unlimited.  I figured I might as well try to figure this out!

Hills and Flats

The other day I tackled another interval workout on the treadmill during my lunch break.  Usually when I come up with a workout I map it out ahead of time.  This time I made it up as I went along (and wrote it down right after I was done!)

As I was going through the workout I realized I was doing another version of Rolling Hills.  Only this time the intervals were longer and I spent the majority of time running or jogging. It was a nice mix of running hills and flats.

Here’s what I did:

I started out running 6.5 mph with no incline.  Each minute after that I would up the incline and lower the speed.  I did this for 5 minutes.  After that I ran another flat at 6.5 on no incline.  The next 5 minutes were more hills with the incline increasing even more each minute.  I repeated another 6.5 flat for 5 minutes and ended with a final set of hills.

This was tough but if flew by! I think this may be a favorite out of the interval workouts I have posted.  Try it out!


Is your blog self hosted? Why or why not?

9 responses to “Hills and Flats

  1. Nice hill workout! I agree – intervals rock for making time fly on treadmills. I’m not self hosted. And mostly it’s because I don’t have the time (aka too lazy) to switch.

  2. I love your treadmill workouts…I do them all the time! YAY!

  3. I am so internet/website challenged it’s ridiculous… so I admire you for trying to figure it out on your own! Can’t wait to see the new look.

  4. Thanks for the workout. I have been considering self-hosting. The thought intimidates me though. I hope you have a smooth transition. 🙂

  5. I’ve been thinking about self hosting. I want to have more freedom but don’t feel ready to do it all yet. Good luck!

  6. I only started blogging about three months ago but self-hosting is definitely something I will think about going forward. I’m excited to see your new blog set-up!

  7. My blog isn’t self hosted but I was thinking about it too- I don’t even know where to begin though! I would love more control and more features on my blog-and to spruce up the design. Can you write a tutorial? LOL

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