Roasted Tomato and Garlic Couscous with Goat Cheese

I have been craving goat cheese. I think it’s from reading others’ blogs and seeing their meals filled with the delicious cheese.  I knew I had to get my hands on it soon to satisfy my cheesy craving!

Good thing I had to make a pit stop at Whole Foods yesterday after work.  We’re putting on a Farmers Market at work tomorrow and the nice folks at my local Whole Foods are donating reusable bags for us to give out to the attendees.  So after loading my car with the boxes of bags, I grabbed a shopping basket to pick up a few items.  Goat cheese was #1 on the list!


I’m not a huge fan of cooking, especially when it takes up too much of my time.  Therefore I typically only make simple meals with only a few ingredients.  Tonight was no different.  I literally picked things from my pantry and fridge, threw em’ together and hoped they tasted decent at the end.  This meal tasted more than decent.  It was freakin’ awesome! 

Roasted Tomato and Garlic Couscous with Goat Cheese

Serving Size: 2-3 entree portions or 4 side dishes


  • 2 large tomatoes
  • Head of garlic (I love garlic…a lot.  Like I could eat it by itself, so by all means cut this down if it’s too much for your liking)
  • 1/3 cup diced onion
  • 2 tbsp capers
  • 2 tbsp olive oil to roast the tomatoes and garlic (could omit and just use cooking spray)
  • 1 box of couscous (I used this brand and flavor)
  • 4 oz goat cheese
  • Fresh basil, chopped
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Optional: A good crusty bread to have on the side


Preheat oven to 375.  Dice tomatoes and head of garlic in large chunks.  Toss in olive oil and place on a baking pan.  Season with salt and pepper.

While the tomatoes and garlic roast (roughly 30 minutes), cook couscous according to package directions.

In a large serving bowl, mix the couscous, tomato and garlic mixture, onion, capers, goat cheese, and basil together until blended.

Slice up some delicious bread if you’d like…

Spoon out a hearty serving and enjoy!

Roasted tomatoes are seriously amazing and I don’t know why I don’t make them more often.  If you have not roasted a tomato yet, DO IT.  You will not regret it. It brings out the most delicious flavors.

I am already looking forward to leftovers tonight! 🙂

8 responses to “Roasted Tomato and Garlic Couscous with Goat Cheese

  1. that is so creamy looking- i dont think ive has a couscous meal look as yummy as this, especially not as creamy and savory! geez im missing out 😉
    even the bread looks so delicious. mm and is that some butter on the one side of it? NOM ❤

    xoxo ❤

  2. This is my kind of recipe! It has everything I love. Yum.

  3. “I’m not a huge fan of cooking, especially when it takes up too much of my time.” LOL – love it!!!

  4. That looks amazing! Yummmm. But a head of garlic is a lot – definitely will have to cut that down for myself 🙂

  5. Definitely bookmarking this one to try! I love me some roasted, sun dried or fresh tomatoes…

  6. Pingback: Secret Ingredient for Boxed Mac n’ Cheese |

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