Daily Archives: September 7, 2010

My Latest Obsessions

Hello Blog World! How was everyone’s Holiday weekend? 

Mine was great!  My parents came to visit Andy and I for the weekend from Cincinnati.  Saturday night we went to a minor league baseball game and had dinner at Red Robin (I love this place!).  Andy’s parents came along too, so it was nice to have everyone together.  For dinner I had a big ol’ Blue Moon beer to drink, a cup of the chicken tortilla soup and split a BBQ chicken wrap with my mom, which came with fries.  I also had a few onion rings that my dad ordered as an appetizer for everyone.  Ahh, greasy pre-game food! Love it!

Sunday I made us all veggie omelets before we went shopping for the day.  My parents bought Andy and I new stools for our kitchen and a little table for our patio outside as a house warming gift. 

Thanks Mom and Dad 🙂

Sunday night we relaxed as we ate DQ Blizzards and watched “Date Night” (very cute!).  Dairy Queen has new mini blizzards, which are definitely a great idea.  However, when I eat a blizzard I want the real deal.  Mini just aint’ gonna cut it for this girl.  Medium all the way for me! 😉

My Latest Food Obessions
Sometimes when I try something new, I get really obessed with it.  For example, I used to eat oatmeal and egg whites every. single. day.  I think I did this for 3 years straight.  I was obessed!  And lately I’ve been obessed with eating cereal every day.   I just can’t help myself!
Since I am currently working at a supplement store I see so many bars that are on the shelves, ranging from the typical monsterous protein bars that I could use as a dumbbells to Atkins Bars (does anyone still follow this diet?), to the Organic bars.  Organic bars are definitely my favorite at the moment as most have a very short ingredient list that I actually understand. The other day the Raw Revolution bars went on clearance and I decided to buy one. I ended up buying ALL of em’ once I tried the first one. I loved the taste and the flavor.  I definintely recommend trying these!! I’ve had the Cashew Agave and the Chocolate Cashew flavors. Yum!

Cashew Agave

Chocolate Cashew

 Chocolate Ovaltine

I feel like I’m totally kicking it old school with this one! Since living with Andy I’ve developed a lot of new habits.  One being his Ovaltine habit.  At first I laughed at him because he’s a 26 year old man drinking Ovaltine.  But then I had a taste of his ice cold glass and I just had to make my own.  This stuff is amazing! I’ve been drinking it almost every night mixed with 1% or 2% milk.  Heaven!

"More Ovaltine Please!"

Amazing Grass Chocolate Superfood

I know a lot of bloggers use this already in their smoothies and I have to say I am a fan.  I like the fact that I am getting some of the same nutritional properties and benefits of superfoods from scoop of powder.  Sure, it’s always best to eat a variety of veggies and fruits, but I like this as my ‘back up’ for those days I don’t get my 5-9 servings.

Green Superfood

I’ve been drinking this stuff every morning with the rest the supplements I take (Multivitamin, Fish Oil, supplement for joints, and probiotics) and feel better over all.  Is it the Amazing Grass Superfood? Who knows, but all I know is that I’ve been feeling great for the last few months since I have been consistent with my vitamins and supplements.  I used to just take them when I remembered, but now it’s a habit. 

Mother’s Natural Peanut Butter Bumpers Cereal

I found this little gem of a cereal at my neighborhood Marc’s grocery store.  Marc’s is a discount store, so the cereal there is always a lot cheaper vs the regular grocery store.  I tried Bumpers a few weeks ago and now I am completely addicted.  These lil’ guys are great! I like to mix them with a higher fiber cereal and fruit for breakfast, which makes for a filling meal.   I’ve tried the chocolate kind too, but the peanut butter are definitely better!  

PB Bumpers

Non-Food Related Obessions
The Real Housewives
I’m completely addicted to this series! I love the drama, cat fights, and watching the extravagant lifestyles of the rich and famous.  I’m so glad that a brand new season and cast is starting in October!  Hello Beverly Hills!   Read more about the cast here!

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

And of course I am always obsessed with….
My two lil’ ones! 
Even when they think the guest room is their own room.  I had to kick em’ out when my parents were here!  They have such a tough life 😉

Boo and Sophia

Well I’m off to bed! I hope you all have a great night! 🙂


What is one thing you are currently obsessed with?