
No, it’s not me that is injured.  Unfortunately, my poor dog, Boo is 😦


Yesterday while I was at work, the dogs went on a little adventure.  During Andy’s lunch break he came home to eat and let the dogs outside in our fenced back yard.  Little did we know that our gate was open.  Apparently the city was cutting down trees in our neighborhood and went into our yard without our knowledge.  They even piled all of the scraps from the trees in our front yard for whatever reason.  If that isn’t rude enough, they didn’t even close our gate to the fence.   While Andy was inside eating, the dogs took off.   About 10 minutes later Andy went outside to get the pups and he realized they were gone.  He then saw the gate swinging open and shut from the wind.  He knew they were gone.  Neither of them had their collars on with their tags.

Andy took off running down the street and luckily saw some construction workers.  They said, “they took off that way and they’re going very fast!”, so Andy went on running down the street asking neighbors outside which way the dogs had gone.  By this time Boo and Sophia were gone for 30 minutes.   Then Andy spotted them, collapsed in the front yard of someone’s house, exhausted from the sprint workout they just had.  He took them home and went back to work.

When I got home I saw that Boo was limping around.  I couldn’t understand where it was coming from, he was walking so strangely.  Then I saw the pads of his front feet completely torn and the top layer of skin was hanging off.  Ouch!  No wonder he was limping and crying. I immediately took him to the vet to get looked at.  Good thing this is not an uncommon injury to dogs and it does heal, it just takes time.  The vet cut the top layer of skin off from his feet and revealed a very pink pad, it looked raw.   I have to keep it covered and clean, which isn’t the easiest task!

Bandaging up my poor injured pup

Sad Boo 😦

Sophia and Boo always look out this window together, but Boo’s feet hurt so bad he can’t even do that.  Looks like Sophia has to be on patrol by herself…

Guard Dog Sophia

Where's Boo?

These two  had quite the adventure and now my little running buddy is on bed rest…

Running Pals

Running Buddies

No more of this for a while...

I’ve taken a cue from Boo and I am taking a few days off from running myself.  I am not burnt out, but not as excited to run  as I usually am, in fact the thought is just not appealing to me at all.   That usually signifies that it’s time for a break, so I’m taking it!  I’ll probably take a good 5 days off. I also start my new job in a week and I’ll be back to teaching 7 group exercise classes per week, so it’s a good time for a little rest 😉

The Job!

I got some questions regarding my new job, so I’ll share a few more details of what the job actually is.  My position is “Fitness Specialist”.  I work for a company the contracts with other companies and does employee wellness programming. This particular employee wellness program has been around for 10+ years, so it’s pretty established, which I like.  I will work in a fitness center that is free for the employees to use.  We do fitness testing, screenings like blood pressure and cholesterol, group exercise classes, personal training, and implement health and wellness incentive programs. 

There are three of us total that run the fitness facility: myself, another Fitness Specialist, and the Fitness Director (my boss).   The job is 40 hours a week, Monday-Friday.  I’m so excited to be back teaching group exercise and being surrounded by fitness and wellness. It’s definitely my “niche”!   This is also what I went to school for (Health Promotion and Exercise Physiology), so I’m even more excited to be using my education 🙂

I have been working full time at a supplement store for the past few months.  And while I am blessed to have full time work and I am able to pay the bills and save some money, retail is definitely not for me. The hours are exhausting and I feel I have no time for anyone.  It’s the main reason my blog has suffered.  For one, I don’t feel as inspired to blog when I am not doing what I love . And two, I’m just tired from the late nights and working weekends that any free time I have I spend with Andy, friends and family.  Luckily now I will have a Monday-Friday gig’ doing what I enjoy.  I feel my writing mojo coming back already!  I have to finish up working at the supplement store this upcoming week, working Saturday-Wednesday.  It’s my last weekend of working…phew!

Weekend Plans

Well, I have to work both Saturday and Sunday which is no fun.  But I do have today off which I am spending taking care Boo, cleaning the house, and grocery shopping.  I think Andy and I are going to a high school football game tonight with some family.  I remember being in high school and that was the ‘thing’ to do.  Ahh, the glory days 😉  Tomorrow night I have plans to have dinner with girlfriends at a Mexican restaurant. Yum!


If you have a pet, have you ever dealt with a pet injury?

What are your weekend plans?

21 responses to “Injured

  1. I almost took a job like that. I bet it’s with the same company. My commute would have been too long though. I’m glad you’re getting settled in to your new position. I miss teaching group fitness so much!

    I hope your pup heals quickly.

  2. poor Boo!! you are lucky youf ound them—I know boo is hurt, but thats a GREAT ending to that story!!

  3. Congrats on the job girl. You totally deserve it! So glad you’re doing something you enjoy.

    Ok, first off, I’d be calling or writing one major complaint. Second, sooooo glad the injury wasn’t worse. How scary. I have 2 furbabies so I know where’ you’re coming from. I would be a basket case.

  4. My dog ran into a mini van. Yes SHE ranintio the CAR. It was pretty traumatic for me. She dislocated her hip and in order to stabilize we had to keep her still for about three weeks, so we had tyo leave her in her kennel most of the day for that long and it was SO hard!

    Poor boo.


  5. Poor Boo Boo!! That made me so sad to see Sophia at the window all alone 😦

    I think a running break is an awesome idea. I’ve taken 2 whole weeks off during my training and they were worth it. Now I’m taking a third week off due to a foot injury.

    I’m excited for you and your new job! I knew you’d find something! And of course I’m excited about you blogging more 🙂 I just got my writing mojo back too and restarted my blog at WordPress. I like it much better than Blogger.

    Have a good day! Give Boo some sympathy pets from me 🙂

  6. sorry to hear about your pup! hope the healing doesn’t take too long. i loved the photos of your kids. they are adorable. have a great weekend!

  7. Poor Boo!!! I’m so glad you were able to find them though. How scary.

  8. Sorry to hear about Boo but so glad that you found him! Your job sounds so awesome! I started reading right before you moved back; can’t wait to read more of your blog!

  9. Aww poor boo! I hope he feels better soon.

    Your new job sounds fun!

    Ozzy jumped out the car window once, I don’t think he knew what he was doing. It was confusing for him! now he doesn’t get too close to the windows! He wasn’t hurt though. And he got very sick when he was a baby, we had to bring him to the hospital. I hate seeing sick/injured animals, it is so sad!

    Weekend plans.. tomorrow I am riding 125 miles on my bicycle for charity! Sunday I will probably just sit around complaining about my sore butt.. ha.

  10. Hi Lindsey, congratulations on your new job! Do you work for a disease management organization? I work for a small healthcare company, and have just started learning about wellness programs.

  11. Sounds like a promising position! Will you be doing any one on one training at your new job?

    Poor Boo! I don’t think any of my dogs have every been injured like that….more like had freak issues that resulted in emergency surgery and a lot of dog-sitting afterward.

    Only a few more days and you won’t have to spend so many hours around NO Explode and fat burners! You get a lot of credit from me for seeing that through.

  12. Poor baby 😦 my dog recently sprained his knee/leg? he’s so small they couldn’t really determine which part it was. I cried a little inside to be icing his leg often.

    Glad to hear Boo will be getting better!

  13. Hi girl! I just came across your blog and I absolutely love it. Your post below about food rules came at the perfect time for me, as this is a big struggle for myself. I am really looking foward to reading! =)

  14. Poor Boo 😦 Glad they are safe & back home though! I would of been terrified!!
    On a side note- your dogs are SO much bigger than I thought- I guess the other pictures have really just been them, and not many WITH you in the pictures..but when I see them next to you, they are so much bigger! & so cute 😉
    Glad you’ll be back to blogging- I’ve missed reading!
    So happy for you with the new job- & that it’s not crazy retail hours, those do suck!
    Hope you had a good weekend 😀

  15. Boo has a BOO BOO 😦

    hopefully Boo can continue to heal up really well- thankfully both dogs can be a comfort to eachother as well ❤

    wow full time at a supplement store would definitely keep you busy. i always love reading your posts, so even if u have to take some time off in between, i always look forward to any updates.

    take care love ❤

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